Hi! My name is Pam and my Husband is Pete and are the current owners of Watershed 144 Ltd.
Our roots in this area date back to pretty much my first memory hunting and fishing with my parent's. When I was 14 I met Pete in highschool and we spent alot of time in Westree at my family camp. We came to Westree every single weekend and enjoyed hunting, fishing, quadding, boating and everything else this beautiful area had to offer.
Then in we moved away to French River and didn't get to come back to the area for a about 15+ years. When we did return we fell in love with the area all over again and bought a camp in Westree so that our kids could enjoy the same things we did while we were here. A place away from cell service and internet, where we connect with the outdoors as a family.
We had stopped at The Watershed so many time throughout the years and every time I stopped as I got older I could just see the HUGE potential this place had! One day my way to camp with kids I was sitting in the parking lot while they ran in to get candy cones and I sat there watching the amount of people going in and out of the building, I couldn't believe the traffic! At the time the shelves were pretty bare and the entrance was a lake you had to jump across just to get in, but people just kept going in! As I sat there I was imagining the possibilities and potential this place had if only someone would put a little bit of work and passion into the business. My love for the French River Trading post was an inspiration for what this place could be. SO as I sat there waiting for the kids I texted Pete saying "One day I want to Own the Watershed!". Well at the time it was only a pipe dream, it wasn't even for sale! But one could always dream right!
Well fast forward a couple months and we got a phone call from a common business contact between us and the previous (then current) owner (Thanx Moe!). Moe knew we loved the area and he new the current owner wanted to sell, so he put us in touch with each other. And WOW were we surprised! Never in a million years would I have ever imagined that text I sent Pete just a couple months prior on a pipe dream could actually be a possibility!
We knew it would be alot of work but the vision we had was going to be AMAZING! We would have to sell our house and apartments, set up our teenage kids so that their school wouldn't be effected, and make a plan! Our first thought was "Let's change the Watershed from a place people "have" to stop at to a place where people "WANT" to stop at. We purchsed in 2016, so if anyone remembers the years leading up to it, the Watershed was in pretty bad shape. Running out of fuel, no stock on the shelves, bathrooms were filthy, i can go on and on but if you were there, you already know! I didn't even admit I owned the Watershed until we were able to get a good year in to get things changed.
Now fast forward a few years, add in alot of elbow grease, hard work, late nights and amazing teamwork and we are PROUD to say to we are the owners of Watershed 144 Ltd AKA "The Shed".

Westree 1994

Ribbon Cutting on the new restaurant 2018